Thursday, December 28, 2017

Get a safe Smoking alternative with Premium e-Liquid

The word Premium e-Liquid comes when the e-liquid is fully pure in its form. You can really differentiate it from the regular e-liquid by its taste. Premium quality e-juices come in glass bottles, and comes are totally safe to use.

e-Liquid comes in a plethora of tasty flavors. So, you can enjoy smoking, avoiding the cigarette smell that stays after smoking regular cigarette. On the other hand, you do not need to carry an ash tray for dropping ashes, as only smokes come out from it. That too disappears after a few seconds.

What is premium e-liquid made of?

Premium e Liquids are made of:

·         Propylene Glycol (PG): We use PG as a flavoring carrier in food products. It is also useful as an ingredient in food coloring and as an addictive in many medicines. Besides the percentage of PG in E-Liquid can vary from 30 to 50%.

·         Vegetable Glycerin (VG): It is a sweet, thick, vegetable liquid. As a result 100% VG base is very thick and hard to smoke. Therefore, while making E-Liquid we combine a blend of 70%VG and 30%PG.

eLiquid is it safe?

eLiquids are 100% safe and has a lot of benefits. Here are few the advantages:
·         No yellow finghers in eliquid: Actually while you smoke, you are burning the tobacco, but with eliquid you are just smoking in vapor and therefore, your fingers are left clean from yellowy brown nicotine stains associated with tobacco.
·         No harmful Toxins:  Premium eLiquids are made of VG, PG, nicotine and natural Flavors. It does not contain any nasty toxins associated with smoking cigarettes.

Safety and Storage of Premium e-Liquid

When you are using e-Liquid for vaping you must store it with care. Here are few safety measures:
·         Keep the E-liquid away from the reach of the children
·         Take care to avoid unnecessary spillage of e-juice while refilling the Vape Tank.
·         Wash your hand or body parts immediately if it comes in contact.

·         Also, you must avoid swallowing or ingesting the vape liquid.

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